Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Year Trip Around Lombok Part I

Beaches, Cave & Waterfall

New year holiday is always something I’ve been waiting for cause that’s one of 2 long holidays I have. I was planning on going to Cambodia for New Year Trip 2017 but because of something happened and some other blablabla, I ended up taking 8 days to go backpacking around Lombok again. 

I’ve been traveling around Lombok so many times already. In fact I did one few months ago on my other long holiday. But I didn’t really have many options so yeah I decided to go there again but wishing to go some new places I’ve never been there before.

Bangkang Cave
After posting about my public trip on Couchsurfing (CS), I got some host offers and made plan with some people to do some trips together. I started my trip on 25th and a nice CS friend, Belo, picked me up at the airport then we went to the south together. We stayed for a night in Kuta, we got a cheap twin room for Rp. 110,000/night for 2 persons include breakfast. We also met another CSer who I planned to meet, a nice girl from Germany, Franzi.

On our 1st day we meant to enjoy some beaches but we found this place on the way there, a cave called Bangkang Cave. It’s right in front of the main road but visitors have to pay Rp. 25.000/person to enter the cave but luckily the guard only asked us to pay Rp. 10,000/person. I didn’t plan to go to any cave in Lombok but we accidentally found one so it was amazing. There were many bats inside and I’m not sure how deep the cave is I didn’t really enter cause of my sandal was not for a cave. I just took some pictures in front of the cave. I paid Rp. 10,000 just to take pics -,-

Bangkang Cave
Bangkang Cave
After that we continue riding to Selong Blanak Beach and Mawun Beach. I actually didn’t take any picture of those beaches even tho I was really excited to go there because I’ve never been there before. But it’s rainy season and the water was really really bad, it was like a chocolate milk :P. Even tho other visitors still enjoyed it, but I just couldn’t L. I went to Lombok south beaches many times and I’ve seen their beautiful blue and green water with stunning white sands before so I was pretty disappointed that I couldn’t get that view this time. But at least I got to see the cave, made me feel a lil bit better.

But we tried again the next day we went to other beaches, Tanjung Aan. Actually the water was pretty much the same like Mawun and Selong Blanak but lil bit better cause it was pretty sunny that day. It was actually too bright that I had to close my eyes most of the time since I forgot to bring my sunglasses. Took some pictures, enjoy the swing then we talked about where to go next. Belo has an idea to stop with beaches and go to see a waterfall in the west. It was ok with me cause I kinda wanna see some waterfalls too.

Tanjung Aan
Tanjung Aan
It took like an hour and half riding from Kuta to Sesaot. Sesaot forest is a natural tourist destination in Narmada region. There are some rivers and waterfalls we can see and my friend really wanted to go this one called Segenter waterfall. I don’t know how many waterfalls there exactly but this one is pretty far. There are some other waterfalls along the way but we didn’t stop in any of them and just wanted to find this one. I had to carry all my bags and climbed down all those stairs but it was worth it. Cause the waterfall was so nice and no other people…well till like 15 minutes later some teenagers came and joined us.

Segenter Waterfall
Segenter Waterfall
The road to the waterfall was slippery because of the rain. The waterfall itself isn’t so high. It was like 20 meters high but it has a pretty natural pond under where people can swim in it. I regret that I didn’t get into the water cause it was very cold and that I was too lazy to change my clothes. So I just sat there looking at the waterfall and felt like I didn’t wanna go home -,-. But I had to so we left after being there for an hour. Gotta continue the trip but we were lucky again cause after we left it started to rain again and the water changed into chocolate milk again \\(^o^)//

With CS friend, Belo
Selfie at Segenter Waterfall

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