Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Kenawa Island.....Again!!!

Yesss again!! I’ve been there 3 times already, but who will ever get bored of Kenawa’s beauty. One of 7 small unihabited islands in Tano District - West Sumbawa, kenawa is the most popular one. A tiny pretty island surrounded by beautiful beaches with small hill on it. Perfeito!!!

Sandro Pole Beach - Sumbawa

Photo by Yudi Rusdian
I don’t know why i never paid attention to Sandropole beach before even tho my friends mentioned about it several times. I guess its also cause i never really saw any pictures of it. But i’m glad that i finally went there and it is just another cool place in Sumbawa i wanna recommend.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Paserang Island - Sumbawa

Paserang Island is one of 7 small uninhabited islands around Tano District, West Sumbawa. Nowadays together with Kenawa Island it becomes more and more popular among travelers, both domestic or international. 

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Saleh Bay Exploratory

This Saleh Bay Exploratory was one of the amazing trip i have done with Adventurous Sumbawa. Saleh Bay itself is the largest bay in Sumbawa Island which belongs to 3 regencies, Sumbawa, Dompu & Bima where we can find many uninhabited islands in its territory.