Monday, November 28, 2016

Ai Mual Waterfalls – West Sumbawa

Photo by Farhan Syadli
Once upon a time.....iissshh..... a friend of mine showed me pictures of the waterfalls i never heard of before. I instantly fell in the waterfalls, not to my friend!. Since then i kept forcing him to take me there. After his few “i’m still busy” weeks, we finally went there last Sunday.

Wanted to go there so much cause these waterfalls are still pretty unknown, better to go before it gets so popular and so crowded. I only know few people who know about the waterfalls and still not so many information i could get bout it. So...........perfect!

We planned to start from Sumbawa Besar at 3 am, but when i called him to wake him up, he was like "i was having a good dream, lemme sleep a lil bit longer to see if it continues". So i was being nice to let him sleep again and we really started to leave at 3.45 am. Till now he doesn't wanna tell me what dream he had tho -,-.

It was pretty cold riding motorbike that early for 2,5 hours to West Sumbawa but i wanted to see those waterfalls so bad and on the way we found this beautiful view of the clouds around the hills (2nd picture).

We arrived in Taliwang to meet some other friends who left to Sumbawa Besar a night before. We also have some super nice friends in Taliwang who bought us Gado-gado for breakfast. From Taliwang, it took another 30 minutes driving to Bangkat Monte Village, Brang Rea District, where the waterfalls are. There is no name sign or anything but then we just stopped somewhere on the street and parked our motorbike then walked a lil bit. And woohooo the 1st waterfall was just like a minute away from the road. It was super easy to find,,or maybe it was super easy cause i just walked behind my friends who already knew where the waterfalls are -,-.

The 1st waterfall was just like 3 meters high and luckily the water was clean at that time and everyone started to get busy with their phones and cameras taking pictures, especially me.............There was a tree trunk that i could lay on,,yeh sleepy adventurer needed some rest after sleepless night.

Actually Ai Mual is the river’s name. Along the river, there are so many waterfalls that we don’t even know many exactly yet. But if you walk up or down the river, you will find some. So we walked down the river and it was like every 20 meters walking you will find another waterfalls. Even tho all the waterfalls were just 1 m to 4 meters high but it was all pretty. The pretty shapes and so many natural pools made me so speechless. Like i could just stop anywhere to swim, too many things to enjoy.

But when i arrived at the 4th waterfall, i couldn’t resist to swim in the pool even tho i kept telling myself that i would not swim that day but yeah it was just too beautiful and no other visitors. Well i wasn’t exactly swimming since i can’t swim but just got into the water. It was so cool and peaceful, in some parts of the pools was like my private natural jacuzzi.

After chillin at natural jacuzzi we continue walking for another 20 meters then we arrived at the last waterfalls. But even tho it was the last one we visited, i could see there are still another waterfalls down there. This 5th waterfall we want to was pretty wide. Many small natural pools around and still no other visitors!!! Just chilled a lil bit here, taking pictures and i was just so amazed, too many waterfalls at once.

I actually brought my hammock with me but i completely forgot about that, i was just too busy enjoying the view. Even tho many trees around that would be so perfect to set up my hammock. But too many waterfalls to visit so we couldn’t really stay long enough to chill at hammock L. 

But turned out, it was not the last waterfall i saw that day. My friend took me to walk a lil bit more to the left side of this waterfall, and woooohoooo there was another waterfall. That last one was so pretty but there were some other visitors L. I remembered about my hammock in this waterfall cause i was 2 perfect trees exactly in front of the waterfalls. But i didn’t wanna be that selfish to block other people’s view.
I wished to stay longer but we had to leave soon to watch Buffalo Race. And driving back to Sumbawa Besar would take 2,5 – 3 hours riding. That day was pretty cloudy too, raining a lil bit actually. But even when i was there i already thought about coming back there next time. It’s too beautiful to keep for ourselves but i hope the more people come there, the place would not get dirtier. Cause it’s still super clean and super natural. Hope people won’t ruin its beauty.  

Photo by Farhan Syadli

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