Monday, November 21, 2016

Saketok Waterfall

In the forest area of Marente Village, Alas District  there are 3 waterfalls that are recently getting more and more famous for its beauty. They are Sebra (the highest one in Sumbawa Island), Agal and Saketok. I’ve been to Agal few months ago and last weekend i went to Saketok with 3 other friends.

They said Saketok was the closest one from the village that it should be 45 minutes from trekking through the forest. Well from Sumbawa Besar to Alas District itself took about 1,5 hours driving. Then drive for another 15 minutes to Marente Village.

Photo by Denis Daljevic

Luckily we already know some people in the village and there is a friend's house that we set up as some kind of basecamp for Adventurous Sumbawa community members, and we parked our motorbike there too. After getting our local tour guide from the village, we started trekking through some rivers and forest. And the fact was...we needed 2 hours trekking to get to the waterfall, but it was because we stopped a lot to take a rest -,-.

To be honest, i kinda lost my mood that day cause suddenly in the morning i couldn't turn my phone on which i also use as a camera. Enjoying nature is great but it feels imcomplete if i couldn't take any pictures of it. I know i could borrow other friend's camera but it still felt incomplete not to have your own. So all the pictures i posted in this article are from friend's cameras :(. 

Rainy season in Sumbawa is just started, so i didn’t really expect that the waterflow would be great, and it wasn’t. But it was still really nice, Saketok has 2 twin waterfalls, 1 of it had bigger waterflow. There were 2 natural pools under the waterfalls that we could swim in it. The water was clean and cold, even tho i couldn’t swim but i got into the water and it was great that no other visitors at that time. I brought my hammock but couldn’t find good trees to hang it on.

Btw what you should know is that you can’t find people selling food along the way to the waterfall so you better prepare everything you need before you go trekking. And since it’s pretty difficult to find the waterfalls even tho there were some sign boards, it’s still very recommended to use a local tour guide, cause i actually tried to go there by myself before and i didn’t make it to the waterfall -,-.

For guide fee, we asked our friend how much do we have to pay for the guide, he actually said Rp. 100,000 but our guide was so nice and helpful so we gave double price. I'd love to go there again when the waterflow is bigger, i'm sure it would look so much better. As the waterfall is getting more and more popular, the more people visit the place and usually it will make a trash problem. Sooo.....for those who wanna see this lovely waterfall please keep the waterfall area clean. Bring back the trash and always care about the environment. 

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